  • The Population Bomb
    (Available New and Used)
Paul Ehrlich
fl. c. 1854 – c. 1915

Entomologist and ecologist. An expert on insects, he became a public spokesman for environmental causes and especially for population control.

1880–1943Max Wertheimer
1879–1940Leon Trotsky
1912–1978John Paul II
1892–1975József Mindszenty
1883–1957Nikos Kazantzakis
1860–1904Theodor Herzl
1821–1881Fyodor Dostoevsky
1872–1929Sergei Diaghilev
1888–1938Nikolay Bukharin
1831–1891Helena Blavatsky
1909–1997Sir Isaiah Berlin
1814–1876Mikhail Bakunin