Clarence Darrow
1857 – 1938

Trial lawyer. A powerful speaker, he defended radical ideas and unpopular clients with zeal. In the famous Scopes case, he ridiculed presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan's belief that every word in the Bible was literally true. His client was convicted of teaching Darwinian ideas of evolution in opposition to Tennessee state law, but Darrow and Scopes were thought to have won the battle for public opinion. In addition to his work in court, Darrow was an interesting writer and radical social thinker.

1817–1862Henry David Thoreau
1902–1987Carl Rogers
1809–1865Abraham Lincoln
1929–1968Martin Luther King, Jr.
1842–1910William James
1859–1952John Dewey
1897–1980Dorothy Day
1907–1964Rachel Carson
1835–1919Andrew Carnegie
1837–1921John Burroughs
1821–1912Clara Barton
1820–1906Susan B. Anthony
1860–1935Jane Addams