287 – 212 BCE

Scientist and engineer. He was a founder of hydrostatics, discoverer of mathematical descriptions of various shapes and figures, and inventor of many practical machines, including defense weapons. His life, work, and personality expressed the sheer joy of investigation, study, discovery, and knowledge. In one story, he leaps from his bath shouting "Eureka (I have found it)" after solving a problem and runs into the street.

369–286 BCEZhuangzi
336–265 BCEZeno of Citium
310–250 BCETheocritus
259–210 BCEQin Shihuangdi
318–272 BCEPyrrhus
360–270 BCEPyrrho
247–182 BCEHannibal
260–203 BCEQuintus Fabius Maximus
341–270 BCEEpicurus
234–149 BCEMarcus Cato
214–129 BCECarneades
fl. 250 BCEAsoka
310–230 BCEAristarchus of Samos
215–145 BCEAristarchus of Samothrace